repository connect sftp

$ kopia repository connect sftp \
        --path=... \
        --host=... \

Connect to repository in an SFTP storage

Flag Short Default Help
--cache-directory Cache directory
--[no-]check-for-updates true Periodically check for Kopia updates on GitHub
--content-cache-size-limit-mb Maximum size of local content cache (hard limit)
--content-cache-size-mb Desired size of local content cache (soft limit)
--content-min-sweep-age Minimal age of content cache item to be subject to sweeping
--description Human-readable description of the repository
--[no-]embed-credentials false Embed key and known_hosts in Kopia configuration
--[no-]enable-actions false Allow snapshot actions
--[no-]external false Launch external passwordless SSH command
--[no-]flat false Use flat directory structure
--host SFTP/SSH server hostname
--index-min-sweep-age Minimal age of index cache item to be subject to sweeping
--key-data private key data
--keyfile path to private key file for SFTP/SSH server
--known-hosts path to known_hosts file
--known-hosts-data known_hosts file entries
--max-download-speed Limit the download speed.
--max-list-cache-duration Duration of index cache
--max-upload-speed Limit the upload speed.
--metadata-cache-size-limit-mb Maximum size of local metadata cache (hard limit)
--metadata-cache-size-mb Desired size of local metadata cache (soft limit)
--metadata-min-sweep-age Minimal age of metadata cache item to be subject to sweeping
--path Path to the repository in the SFTP/SSH server
--port 22 SFTP/SSH server port
--[no-]readonly false Make repository read-only to avoid accidental changes
--sftp-password SFTP/SSH server password
--ssh-args Arguments to external SSH command
--ssh-command ssh SSH command
--username SFTP/SSH server username
--[no-]disable-repository-format-cache false [ADV] Disable caching of kopia.repository format blob
--list-parallelism [ADV] Set list parallelism
--override-hostname [ADV] Override hostname used by this repository connection
--override-username [ADV] Override username used by this repository connection
--[no-]permissive-cache-loading false [ADV] Do not fail when loading bad cache index entries. Repository must be opened in read-only mode
--repository-format-cache-duration [ADV] Duration of kopia.repository format blob cache