repository repair azure

$ kopia repository repair azure \
        --container=... \

Repair repository in an Azure blob storage

Flag Short Default Help
--client-id Azure service principle client ID (overrides AZURE_CLIENT_ID environment variable)
--client-secret Azure service principle client secret (overrides AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable)
--container Name of the Azure blob container
--[no-]dry-run -n false Do not modify repository
--max-download-speed Limit the download speed.
--max-upload-speed Limit the upload speed.
--point-in-time Use a point-in-time view of the storage repository when supported
--prefix Prefix to use for objects in the bucket
--recover-format auto Recover format blob from a copy
--recover-format-block-prefixes Prefixes of file names
--sas-token Azure SAS Token
--storage-account Azure storage account name (overrides AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT environment variable)
--storage-domain Azure storage domain
--storage-key Azure storage account key (overrides AZURE_STORAGE_KEY environment variable)
--tenant-id Azure service principle tenant ID (overrides AZURE_TENANT_ID environment variable)